Monday, February 23, 2009

Tuesday Tribute

My tribute today, as I'm sure you might have guessed, is to my sweet daughter McKenzie. She is our baby and we are so very proud of her. At just seven years old, she is already quite a special young lady. She makes us so proud every single day (well, except for when we have to clean under her bed - must get that from her dad...LOL!). Here are just a few of the reasons that I love our little girl:
*She loves to dance and works really hard at getting better each week.
*She has made some wonderful friends that we hope she keeps for life.
*She really tries to please her teachers and always does her best work at school.
*She is respectful of her parents and she obeys our rules.
*She loves her "grammies" and "grampies" and is always eager to spend time with them.
*She LOVES to sing in the car, especially Taylor Swift!
*She is a complete and total "Daddy's Girl!"
*She is a great little shopper...which I love.
*She cares about other people and she does good deeds "just because..."
*She has some really awesome cousins that she looks up to.
*She can put together one heck of a cute outfit!
*She loves JJ and talks about her all the time!
*She loves her big brother and looks up to him (which is so sweet).
*She wants to be a teacher like her mom when she grows up.
*She is the best daughter EVER...we couldn't ask for any better!!