Saturday, August 1, 2009


We went camping with my mom and dad on Kenzie's birthday and with everything else we had going on, I forgot to post these pictures. I always have loved is what we did a lot whenI was growing up. We really enjoyed our time at Pokagon! Please excuse the picture quality, as I took these with my point and shoot camera.
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darlene shobe said...

Michelle great pic, we always did have a good time camping and we still do.I guess it's because it is time spent with family and people we love. Mom & Dad

Deb said...

Love camping!! Wish we had more time to go this summer! Great pictures. I still think we should try to go together some time. Wouldn't that be a blast?!

Michelle said...

We would love that! We have been talking about getting a huge tent and some air beds...who knows though...we always have big plans and only half of them ever pan out! :0)

Anonymous said...

Michelle~I love the big pictures, how do you do that!! Fill me in...
Nick wants to know if Brock wants to go to the pool in Delphos this week?

Michelle said...

Carole- I followed the directions on the 4 Little Men blog that is listed on my page. It is one of her "answers to your questions" posts..the most recent one, I think. I couldn't do it myself...but those directions were pretty clear. :0)

Brock said he would love to go to the pool in Delphos...he hasn't been before. Just let me know the details! THANKS!! :0)